Another new year is upon us in the Biblical calendar. Rosh haShanah began last night and will continue through Monday afternoon. Shofar (trumpet) blasts accompany the holiday, with over 100 blasts sounding throughout the services held each day. It is a special day filled with many things - one of the greatest for followers of Jesus is anticipation.
Rosh haShanah serves as a day of expectation as we eagerly await Jesus' return. Jewish tradition says that G-D created Adam and Eve - the first rulers of the earth - today. The shofar blasts remind the listeners of the coming of a king, a coronation of sorts, to look forward to. The true Ruler is coming soon.
Though Jesus reminds us that we don't know on what day He will return, it would be just like Him to return on this day. Jesus has and will fulfill all of the Biblical festivals in Leviticus 23. One of those is the Festival of Trumpets, known today as Rosh haShanah (New Year). He has not fulfilled this one...yet!
Paul seems to have this very cultural connection in mind in 1 Corinthians 15:51-52 when he speaks of the resurrection of the dead:
Rosh haShanah serves as a day of expectation as we eagerly await Jesus' return. Jewish tradition says that G-D created Adam and Eve - the first rulers of the earth - today. The shofar blasts remind the listeners of the coming of a king, a coronation of sorts, to look forward to. The true Ruler is coming soon.
Though Jesus reminds us that we don't know on what day He will return, it would be just like Him to return on this day. Jesus has and will fulfill all of the Biblical festivals in Leviticus 23. One of those is the Festival of Trumpets, known today as Rosh haShanah (New Year). He has not fulfilled this one...yet!
Paul seems to have this very cultural connection in mind in 1 Corinthians 15:51-52 when he speaks of the resurrection of the dead:
Listen, I tell you a mystery: We will not all sleep, but we will all be changed--in a flash, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trumpet. For the trumpet will sound, the dead will be raised imperishable, and we will be changed.
And so the shofar blasts continue to ring out the new year, reminding us who follow Jesus that He will return, maybe today or maybe another. But, He will return. And that is cause for celebration and expectation.
Come, L-RD Jesus!
You can read more about this holiday here.